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tv   Early Start  CNN  July 23, 2012 2:00am-4:00am PDT

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♪ . the search for answers. the suspect's court appearance hours away. >> hope and healing. some members struggle to survive their wounds as the community gathers to pay tribute to those lost. punishment for penn state, a day after joe paterno's statue comes down, unprecedented penalties are due for the jerry sandusky scandal. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." >> it's 5:00 a.m. in the east. also ahead for you, a closer
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look at the arsenal that holmes he massed. >> he was a very tense weekend in the middle east with the u.s. stepping up its presence around syria providing more help to the rebels. how far will our government go? we'll have a live report from the middle east. >> but first, of course, our top story here. the man accused of one of the worst shooting massacres in u.s. history will make his first court appearance in a few hours. police say it could take months before we know why he carried out this senseless act of violence during a midnight movie premier. 24-year-old james holmes accused of killing 12 people, wounding 58 people including mothers, fathers, members of the military, even a 6-year-old girl. eight are still in critical condition this morning. >> we are learning that budding scientist allegedly was planning this for months. his apartment was rigged with
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trip wires, gas canisters that a gun range owner was so scared by him that he rejected him a month ago. and it could have been a lot worse. had a rife well a 100 round drum magazine not jammed. >> we begin with jim spellman in colorado where we'll see the shooter appearing in court. the big question is why. we still have no answer there right, jim? >> that's right. he's not been cooperating with police while he's been in jail here over the last three days. he's in a essentially solitary confinement for his own protection over the last few days. we don't expect a lot to happen at today's hearing. it is an initial advisement. these are very short. the next step will be the state will have to decide what exactly to charge him with. we know he'll face at least 70 charges, one for each shooting victim. he'll then have a competency hearing. that is different than an
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insanity defense. this is just the beginning. police are still investigating and building their case. here's aurora police chief dan oates speaking about that. >> we're focusing on anyone that knew him and statements he may have made. >> we're building a case to show this is a deliberatetive process by a very intelligent man who wanted to do this. >> reporter: now it wasn't until saturday evening that they were able to clear the apartment and get in there and begin really treating that as a crime scene, get whatever evidence they k they took a laptop computer. they'll sort through that to see if there were other people involved and what other aspects of this case might become part of the legal case they're putting together in the courthouse. >> jim, i know in the very beginning his family released a statement. we did see his father who had traveled to the area. do we know if his family is with him now? >> reporter: we know the father has been here over the weekend. we may see him today in the hearing. we know that later this
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afternoon at some point the family's attorney in san diego is planning to have some sort of press conferen. we may learn a little more from their side. we vice president heard anyth g we haven't heard anything from him yet. >> anything from his mother at all? >> reporter: she put out a paper statement a couple days ago. i don't believe we've heard anything from her. i believe she's still in southern california. we haven't seen her here that we witnessed at least anyway. >> all right. jim spellman live outside the courthouse. thank you very much. coming up at the bottom of the hour, we'll speak to ray lopez, a retired fbi agent, an expert on bombs and bomb disposal about what was inside the suspect's booby trapped apartment and how much damage it could have done to police, firefighters, and his neighbors had they tripped the wrong wire. with so much attention on the alleged killer, it is important to keep the victims in our hearts and minds. president obama visited the community of aurora, colorado. the message, the country is
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thinking of you. he met with the victims and families yesterday. this white house photo showing the president hugging stephanie davies who helped keep her friend alley young alive. he was there as a father and husband, not just as the president. >> i had a chance to visit with each family and most of the conversation was filled with memory. it was an opportunity for families to describe how wonderful their brother or their son or daughter was. and the lives that they had touched and the dreams that they held for the future. >> the community now beginning to heal. when we left you friday, we only knew the number. now we know the names and we know their stories. >> and thousands gathered at a vigil overnight to remember the victims and pray for those who were still injured this morning. one of those recovering in the
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hospital right now is 25-year-old ashley moser. she had taken her own daughter to the midnight movie. tragically, as we know, veronica was killed. her mother slipping in and out of consciousness had no idea about her little girl's death until this saturday when her family finally broke the devastating news. so sad. she was crushed. she is expected to recover from her injuries. cnn's poppy harlow is live in aurora right now. this had to be very emotional overnight. >> reporter: it was incredibly emotional. it was also uplifting, john. i've been here since friday covering this tragedy. yesterday was different. the vigil was different than anything else. thousands turned out. they have, i think for a l of people begun the healing process. we saw heart shaped balloons released into the air. candles being lit. the family members were present there on the stage. they did not speak,
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interestingly. that was left to representatives of the government and also different pastors who gave prayers for the people. we didn't hear from family members. what stood out to sme is something that steve hogan said. he said the pain is still raw but reclaim our city in kindness and compassion. that makes you think of the process of forgiveness. how does that begin here? i talked to different people at this vigil last night about just that. >> forgiveness isn't always only for the person that you're forgiving, that committed the crime. that is also for yourself and part of that healing. if you can't forgive someone you hold in your heart, then you're going to stay angry. >> i think of the little girl that was killed. my daughter is 1 year old. i have a 3-year-old daughter myself. so i don't think it can be forgiven. >> part of the prayers this morning were not only for victims and families and for first responders and for everybody that's helping but for the shooter and his family
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because for me personally and for our belief system, it's not our place to judge and not forgiving only puts us in a place where we can't move forward. >> reporter: so a variety of emotions when it comes to forgiveness. i was pretty blown away that most of the people i talked with said we have to forgive not only, you know, for all of the victims but for us as a community to move forward. and also as you mentioned the president some rarts themarks t stood out to me, he said "he'll wipe away every tear from their eyes and that shall be no more." we need to start healing. we need to start moving forward. but we'll never, ever forget this. >> poppy harlow in aurora where they are showing an enormous capacity, extraordinary capacity for forgiveness. thank you, poppy. a lot of courage, right, to be able to face that. if you want to help out go, to there you can find several
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nonprofits supporting victims andthe aurora movie theater shooting. the hammer set to fall on penn state. just a day after the statue of joe paterno came down, coming up what the naacp is expected to do in the wake of the jerry sandusky child abuse scandal. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months, but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering.
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. welcome back. it is now 12 minutes past the hour. hours from now an unprecedented move, the ncaaal announce penalties for penn state university. penn state is expected to be hit with more than $30 million in fines. the school's football program will not face suspension. yesterday a campus statue of late football coach joe paterno was taken down. you're taking a look at a picture of that there, that moment. the school's president called the statue a "reoccurring wound to victims of child abuse." the paterno family released a statement saying, "tearing down the statue of joe paterno does not serve the victims of jerry sandusky's horrible crimes or help heal the penn state community. we believe the only way to help the victims is to uncover the full truth." cnn's susan candiotti is live in state college. what impact did these sanctions on -- have on penn state's football program?
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>> reporter: good question. good morning. we're right across the street from where that statue had been. there is no doubt about it. according to our source, the ncaa is really going to hammer penn state with sanctions. so bad, as a matter of fact, that even though they are not getting the so-called death penalty, not being able to play football this fall, the source said penn state might have wished for the death penalty given the sanctions were going to impose which include significant and unprecedent the actions, fines of $30 million, a loss of a number of scholarships that could really hurt in terms of recruiting players for many, many years to come. we're also talking about the loss of postseason action, bowl games, for example, and much more than that. they are going to try to do this according to the source with as little impact on players as is possible because they realize they had nothing to do with the jerry sandusky scandal.
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>> i am sure will is going to be a lot of dialogue about which would one would have been worse, death penalty or the sanctions announced. you mentioned behind you they took the statue down. what's in its place? >> reporter: yes. all you can see now, of course, is a tarp and people have, you see the image of where writing was on the wall before the statue, where the statue had once been. you are also seeing a few signs of support for joe paterno, flowers left behind. so it is clearly still huge source of controversy on this campus and will be for many years to come. we'll hear that ncaa announcement at 9:00 eastern time. >> we're looking forward to that. cnn's susan candiotti, thank you very much. it is now a quarter past the hour. let's get you up to date on all the news. christine romans is here with the headlines. the man accused of one of the worst shooting massacres in history will make his first
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court appearance in a few hours. 24-year-old james holmes accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58. he's being held in isolation right now. police say he is not cooperating. but they continue to uncover some twisted new clues. a deadly accident 100 miles southeast of san antonio, 11 people killed, 12 others injured when police say one pickup truck veered off u.s. highway 59 and slammed into two large trees last night. police say it was a one vehicle accident. 23 people were loaded inside both the truck's bed and cab. border patrol will assist with this investigation. radioactive fallout from japan's nuclear plant may cause as many as 2500 cancer cases worldwide. 1300 cancer deaths. that's according to a study by scientists at stanford university. and there's an investigation by japan's ministry of health, labor and welfare into reports that workers at the damaged
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plant were told to use led covers over their detection devices to hide the severity of the radiation release. now you see it. now you don't. the implosion of an old 17-story hotel in new orleans known as the grand palace, look at that, captured in dramatic video from several different angles. 400 tons of explosives to bring this down in a matter of seconds yesterday. demolition took place to make way for the new university medical center to replace charity hospital. remember charity hospital? it closed after hurricane katrina. >> everyone loves a good implosion. >> i'm fascinated by it. all that smoke and all that stuff in the air, i don't know. >> controlled destruction. >> controlled destruction. like us here. >> exactly. >> thanks, christine. >> all right. it is now 17 minutes past the hour, everyone. we're getting a look at the morning papers around the country right now. in the headlines everywhere about the shootings in colorado. one thing that many people are
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asking, is you know, the weapons this guy used. it turns out that one of the rifles, an ar-15 assault weapon might have been banned ten years ago under the assault weapons ban signed under president clinton. it was allowed to expire in the year 2004. something else people are talking about, the magazines. he had an extra 100 round magazine he used on that assault weapon. there is legislation discussed the last few years to ban magazines like that to allow so many rounds to be used at once. again, that legislation has gone nowhere in congress. >> this is going to start up again, right? everybody is really upset about this. the shooting suspect was able to assemble an arsenal of over 6,000 rounds by shopping online. the newspaper that is supporting this "new york times" and what he had was over 6,000 rounds that he ordered on the internet. 3,000 rounds of handgun ammunition, 3,000 rounds of assault rifle and ammunition for
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a shotgun. he got it within four months. it was a cost of $3,000. police say it was easy as ordering a book from amazon. ammunition sellers are not required to report sales even large ones. the question is, is this a large one? >> "new york times" has interesting stats overnight. one gun owner saying he can burn 500 rounds on the shooting range. that same man had a quote in the "new york times" saying i consider 6,000 rounds running low. >> yeah. >> on ammunition. >> yeah. we're all shocked by it. but, you know, this seems pretty common, actually. >> you get an extended look at our top stories. head to our blog. coming up, gas prices creeping back up again. timing is everything in an election year. christine romans back with a much closer look. ave diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes.
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worrysome. spain, two spanish provinces say they're having trouble raising money. they may need new loans. that is raising concerns about spain. the euro's value is dropping here. $1.21. that is below the lifetime average for the euro since it's been a currency. it takes $1.21 to buy one euro. here is spain's borrowing costs. it cost spain 7.55% to borrow money. that is danger zone. big flashing yellow signs. compare that with the u.s. the whole world is such a mess and people keep throwing their money into u.s. bonds. it costs only 1.44% for the u.s. to borrow money. it shows you that spain is having a little bit of trouble here. this is going to be very important to watch for the week. i'm also watching gas prices and oil prices, you guys. oil prices are falling around the world again overnight. that's because they're concerned about a slowdown. if the world slows down, you use less oil. so oil prices have been coming
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down. but what's that going to mean for gas prices? we have the most recent gas price reading from aaa this morning, $3.47 a gallon. this has been moving up a little bit. still, however, well below last year. $3.70 you were paying last year. today you're paying $3.47. some of the earlier call for below $3 by the fall, maybe not. >> how can the gas prices be moving up when oil is dropping? >> in the u.s. in particular, at least one economist we talked to said that things aren't quite as bad as they thought they were even a couple weeks ago. you know, we just got a fed beige book report that said all 12 of the federal reserve districts in the country are growing. the u.s. economy is growing. this week at least we're really, really watching what is happening overseas. a lot of earnings this week, too. this could be messy is the technical trader term, clinical analysis of markets this week. messy. i think it could be interesting and messy. >> thank you.
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it is now 25 minutes past the hour. and one tragedy was avoided in aurora, colorado. the shooting suspect's apartment was rigged to be a death trap. we have an expert who looks at what police found inside coming up. if you're leaving the house right now, you can watch us any time on your desktop or mobile phone. just go to now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. nature valley trail mix bars are made with real ingredients you can see. li whole roasted nuts, chewy granola, and real fruit. nature valley trail mix bars. 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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. an apartment designed to kill. coming up, a new look into the apartment of the suspect in the colorado movie theater massacre. new fears at the movies. frayed nerves land to a stampede at a batman screening, this time
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in pennsylvania. and how to prevent another aurora. both sides debate whether gun control would make a difference. welcome back to "aerly staearly" it is 5:29 right now. we've been talking all morning about the massacre in colorado. and it does seem that one tragedy was prevented. when the horror inside aurora's cinema 16 was over, law enforcement were quick to prevent this other disaster. suspect james holmes told officers at the scene that he set up booby traps in his apartment. but bomb disposal units had no idea the extent of firepower they'd be facing. trip wires, over 30 repurpose fireworks shells, jars of gas, and something that an official called improvised napalm. ray lopez is an retired fbi expert on bombs and bomb disposal. ray, you hear that list of things in the apartment, that arsenal. how bad could this have been?
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>> good morning, john. it could have been much worse had they not been able to get inside that apartment and identified those chemicals and the other components they found in there. you think about it. you have lay people such as neighbors and other people that might have gone in that apartment and done something that while quite frankly could have killed other people. it would have gone on had the police officers not acted so quickly. >> in fact, a neighbor we understand who lived in the building had been hearing some loud music and she actually went to check out that apartment. i think we have sound of this very lucky woman here to listen to. >> and win the upstairs and knocked on the door quite a few times and realized that it was possibly unlocked. i thought about peering my head in there and had my head on the door handle and yelling at them to turn it down. i just decided -- i decided not to do that. i just had a trepidation. and a little voice told me, no, let the cops handle it.
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>> thank goodness. thank goodness she did not go in that door. had she gone in though, are we talking an explosion just that apartment or the whole building going down? >> i'm not really sure. we don't know the quantities or the way they were exactly set up. but at the very least, she could have got herself hurt in a good scenario she could have got killed. >> the jars, the different chemicals being used and also the length of time that the alleged killer used to put this together, is this something that anyone could have done? we know he was involved in neuroscience. obviously a very smart guy. do you have to be that smart to do this? >> i think it comes down to a couple of things. it comes down to his motive, his ability to get these components and his education. now he's quite educated. and in today's world, you know, he's a smart kid. he probably went on the internet
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and learned some of the compositions and how to create some of these things. finally, just putting them together. the problem with any improvised explosive device is that you're dealing solely with the mind of an imagination of the bomber. at the end of the day, you know, military ordnance is easier in you no he what you have. you have rockets, grenades which are known and schematics for them. the problem with improvised is that itself, it is improvised. they had to think what it is exactly he wants to put in there, what he's trying to do. you have to -- it's a cat and mouse kind of game. so it's a very delicate situation. they did an excellent job getting into that apartment and making it safe for all the people there. >> anything on that list of things he had in there? anything that you see that was illegal to have? is this all stuff that anyone can just go online and get ahold snf. >> that's a great question, john. sadly, most of the stuff he had
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in there you could either get at a pharmacy, a chemical store. i mean he had access to a laboratory where he was working a university that has chemicals like this for, you know, good purposes for research. and it's quite easy to get some of those things and take them out. all the stuff and all the components are quite easy to get. >> all right. ray lopez, retired fbi agent, thanks so much for being with us. it's a good thing that none of that stuff went off. >> absolutely, john. take care. >> i think the craziest part is they say that anybody can get access to this, right? if you know how to assemble it, then the consequences are horrific. 34 minutes past the hour here. ousands gathered outside the municipal center in aurora to remember the victims of the movie theater shooting. >> jesse childress. >> we will remember. >> colorado governor john
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hickenlooper read the names of the 12 people killed in the shooting with the crowd responding each time, "we will remember." and the crowd drawing strength from one another. >> it means we're coming together. it means a lot. all the people that turned out showing love to everybody and much respect and see how much it hurt us and how much it's bringing us together as a community. >> like "the dark knight" we will rise again because we are all colorado. >> the mayor after roara and ma -- of aurora sounded the same theme. they're termed the massacre will not define their city when history looks back on the events of this week. and prayers from the pope as well. his traditional sunday blessing pope benedict xvi said he was deeply shocked by the senseless violence. sharing the distress of the families and friends of those who were killed and those who were wounded. we have new video overnight, really nice video. members of the denver broncos
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visiting with shooting victims and emergency room staff who treat md of friday morning's massacre victims. they're doing their part to raise everyone's spirit. the entire community there really coming together. new broncos quarterback peyton manning, he wasn't there. he did call in speaking to four patients. >> very nice of them to do. so what made a brilliant science student snap, claim he was a joker and unleash terror on that movie theater? investigators now are trying to piece together who the suspected gunman james holmes is. by many accounts, friends say he was a normal guy, maybe a bit nerdy. but as recently as a month ago, he applied online for a membership to a gun range. but when the owner of the range called his home to follow up, he says the message he heard on his answering machine freaked him out to the point where he said holmes was not allowed anywhere near his range. >> it was something about his voice. he said the tone of his voice
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was strange. we spoke to candy crowley talked and about the inexact science of profiling a mass murderer. >> some of the people who carry out these acts, you know, are loners. but some have a lot of friends. sometimes, in xmacases they tal to friends and engaged other people in their thoughts. so there is no one pattern in terms of traits. but in terms of behaviors, we want to be able to look at these behaviors. this is how these federal law enforcement agencies work case onz this. if -- cases on this. they start working on this pattern of behavior and then intervene and make sure this person doesn't carry out what their intentions are. >> these are the questions we're all asking. we'll have much more on profiling a mass kill area head. at at 6:50 we're going to talk to a forensic expert.
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senator john mccain says he wants to see evidence, gun control laws can actually lead to a reduction in gun violence. he says tightening them is not the answer. new york mayor bloomberg is calling on the perfect tows take action. >> some's got to do something. this requires and particularly in a presidential year the candidates for president of the uni united states to stand up and say yes, they feel terrible. yes, it's a tragedy. yes, we have great sympathy for the families. but it's time for this kun trco to do something. >> we had a ban on assault weapons some years ago. it didn't change the situation at all in my view. to lead to the conclusion that this will somehow caused by the fact that we don't have more gun control legislation i don't think has been proved. >> senator mccain raising the constitutional right to bare arms to make his gas against
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tougher gun control. >> with the tragedy in aurora, colorado, some fans found themselves in a stampede in a theater thousands of miles away from the massacre. find out what sparked that panic coming up. with our citi thankyod for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. i don't have to use gas.
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. welcome back to "early start," everyone. it's 42 minutes past the hour. >> we're happy we're going to check in with rob marciano now.
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hopefully he has good news for us. >> more heat. there you go. for the eastern third of the country, not too shabby. we'll start off with record highs yesterday. 110 plus in wichita falls, nebraska, oklahoma, iowa. you're going to see it again today. in fact the next several days. here is the four-day forecast for kansas city and wichita. this is right in the middle of the heartland here in the drought stricken area. only exacerbating the drought problems. most of the jet stream energy with any sort of real moisture is going to be north along the border. actually, there is moisture across the south in florida. watching a little disturbance here. probably won't develop into anything significant as far as tropical 5:00 sift is concerned. it dumped a ton of rain across florida yesterday and will do so again today. miami, thunderstorms rolling in there. hollywood, florida, for tt. lauderdale as well. the lower great lakes, some thunderstorms growing across the hud t hudson right now. and this is a sliver where we
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might see some thunderstorms later on today that could produce some large hail or damaging winds. had some thunderstorms that could produce gusty winds across phoenix. over the weekend, check out this dust storm video. winds gusting to 60 miles an hour. we call this a haboob where they get these a lot. the monsoon will kick off thunderstorms that don't typically drop a lot of rain but they'll kick up the dust, that's for sure, lowering visibilities in phoenix. temperatures there holding near 100 degrees. >> rob, did you -- >> 86 degrees. >> is that a haboob? >> i did point that out. i kind of just cruised through that. people like to make fun of the name. >> i can't imagine why. >> we had somebody talking in our ear. we really couldn't hear it. yeah, that is one of the words you just love to say. thank you. >> all right. thank you, rob, with all the news about the haboobs this morning. it is now 44 minutes past the hour. here is christine romans with the top stories. >> good morning.
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the. the man accused of the worst shooting massacres in u.s. history will make his first court appearance in just a few hours. 24-year-old james holmes accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others is being held in isolation right now. police had recovered key items from a pc from his apartment but only after they disarmed several trip wires and booby traps. a panicked crowd rushed for the exits at a multiplex in west hole am stead, pennsylvania. after a fight broke out during a showing of "the dark knight rises." thankfully no one was injured. the audience was extra jumpy because of what happened in aurora. that same theater, by the way, was the site of a deadly shooting back in 2005. a wave of dead lay tacks on shiite neighbors rocking iraq on the second day of ramadan. 30 people were killed. the violence started yesterday
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morning when a car bomb exploded outside a restaurant about 100 miles south of baghdad. five people were killed in that blast. three roadside bombs in the southern outskirts of baghdad killed 15 more people and injured 60. a violent weekend on the streets of california. a police involved shooting left an unarmed man dead in anaheim. hours after chasing the suspect on foot and shooting him, then protests broke out. angry residents clashed with police throwing bottles at police, setting a dumpster on fire. the two officers involved in that shooting have been placed on leave. the fbi turning to the public for help to find two young missing cousins from iowa. law enforcement officials now consider the disappearance of the 10 and 8-year-olds, they say it's an abduction. after draining a lake where the girls' bikes were found last week, investigators are confident they did not drown in that lake and offering a $50,000
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reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. a california teenager had to be airlifted to a hospital after a cliff jumping accident near san diego. authorities say a friend jumped off the cliffs and landed on top of him while in the water. friends were able to pull the injured teen out of the water and on to a rock ledge until rescuers arrived. astronomers studying saturn's largest moon say it is weirdly earth like. >> yeah. >> they point to titan's landscape being shaped by rivers much like our planet. although it's rivers of methane, not water. >> not nearly as refreshing. >> big difference. >> weirdly earthlike. i think earth is weirdly, you know, saturn like. >> all right. thank you very much, christine. we do have a lot of news all over the world this morning. a lot going on in the middle east. the rebels in syria back on the
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offensive this morning and getting a little more help, it seems, from the united states. we're going to go live to the middle east coming up. if you're leaving the house right now, you can watch us any time on your desktop or mobile phone. just go to # ♪ why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking
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. the united states seems to be giving up hope on a u.n. peace plan for syria. u.s. officials are now giving new aid to the rebels providing more communications and training equipment. this morning the rebel groups launched new attacks in two key syrian cities the capital of damascus and the business community. as we wake up this morning, what is the situation on the ground? >> john, opposition activists are telling us that there is another day of fierce clashes going on in the most populated
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city in syria. it is the commercial hub of the country, traditionally a strong hold. they're saying today more clashes in at least two neighborhoods between rebel free syrian army fighters and syrian regime forces. also, we're told, in damascus there have been military reinforcements sent in to several suburbs where there has been a president frens the free syrian army rebels where they're clashing with the syrian regime military forces the last several days. john? >> there is a political debate going on right now in the u.s. about possibly arming the rebels. the u.s. giving weapons to the rebels. is this seen as a real possibility? >> well, john, the obama administration has reiterated many times that they prefer to only provide nonlethal assistance to rebels in syria humanitarian aid to the syrian people. hillary clinton and other administration officials have said many times in the past they
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don't want to further militarize this conflict. they said that all options are open. but there have been a growing number of voices, critics of the administtion's policy toward syria, many from congress including senator john mccain who is urging the obama administration to step up support and give weapons to the rebels in syria. now yesterday speaking to candy crowley on "state of the union," he also blasted the ineffectiveness of the u.n. to do more. >> kofi annan's plan is an ab jukt fa abject failure. we keep thinking that russia and china will now -- we are bound by the decisions of the u.n. security council which are dictated by russia and china. >> mccain said that the obama administration really needs to step up its efforts. it really needs to provide more aid, more weapons. it needs to intervene military airily to end this crisis. >> waking up also to what seems
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to be a proposal for the arab league for some kind of safe exit forral ass al ra ara ara r. >> they say they don't like plans that give safe passage, give him an exit, some sort of way out of that country without facing reprecushions for the brutal crackdown that's been going on. but this arab league meeting that happened yesterday, it was significant. it was five hours. tend of at the end, they said he should leave. they also said the syrian opposition, the rebels and also the opposition groups there need to unify to create some sort of post assad plan. this is the concern. the opposition in syria is a very devided group. it's been so since day one. the community would like to get behind one united opposition
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group. but it hasn't been able to do so because there is continued to be in fighting between the various groups. that is the concern from the international community. still a concern from the arab league even after this meeting yesterday when they said they want assad to step aside and allow him to leave that country safely. john? >> rapid developments in syria. thanks so much for being with us. coming up, our coverage of the aurora shooting tragedy. in the hours ahead, the suspect's first court appearance, the first word from his family, and the latest on the conditions of the wounded. you're watching "early start." now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. the wife. hey, babe. got the jetta. i wiped the floor with the guy! not really. i would've been fine with 0% for 36 months,
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but i demanded 60. no...i didn't do that. it was like taking candy from a baby. you're a grown man. alright, see you at home. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen autobahn for all event. we good? we're good. [ male announcer ] at 0% apr for 60 months, no one needs to know how easy it was to get your new volkswagen. that's the power of german engineering. wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] [ male announcer ] this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business.
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. aurora, colorado and america asking why. so far, no answers from the shooting suspect with his first court appearance just hours away now. hope and healing. some victims of the massacre still struggling to survive as the community gathers to pay tribute to those lost. the ultimate penalty for penn state. a day after joe paterno's statue comes down, unprecedented punishment is due for the jerry sandusky scandal. good morning to you. welcome to "early start." thank you for being with us. it is 6:00 a.m. in the east. thanks for being here. as investigators search for answers in the aurora massacre, we're going to get a unique look from one of the country's leading experts. it will be interesting to talk to her. and obama's campaign burning through money at an eye popping rate these days. we'll get into that a little
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later. first, colorado. the man accused of one of the worst shooting massacres in u.s. history will make his first court appearance in a few hours. it could take months before we know why he carried out this senseless act of violence during a midnight movie premiere. 24-year-old james holmes, accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 people, including mothers and fathers and members of the military and even a 6-year-old girl. that's -- >> hard to see that picture. >> eight people still in critical condition this morning. >> we are learning the budding scientist allegedly planned this for months. you're looking at the victims there, i want to point that out. it was rigged with things like trap wires and gas canisters and armed to the teeth ready for war and it could have been a lot worse had his rifle with a 100-round magazine not jammed. >> we're going to begin our coverage with jim spellman live outside the courthouse in
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centennial, colorado. the suspect i understand is in solitary confinement. what does he face today? >> reporter: so far he's not cooperating with police. in five and a half hours he'll make his way to the jail through an underground tunnel into the court fo an initial advisement, steps down the road for the state will be to decide what to charge him with and formally charge him and the defense could ask for a competency hearing, whether he's competent enough to stand trial, nothing to do with any insanity defense. the police are working on their investigation, took them two days to get into the apartment and take his computer out. they'll work through all of that. here's aurora police chief dan oates speaking about the investigation. we're focusing on anyone who knew him and statements he may have made and building a case to she it was a deliberate process by a very intelligent man who
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wanteded to do this. >> reporter: another thing for the prosecutors to decide here is whether they'll go for the death penalty. this office has in the past and there's every reason to believe they may choose to do that this time. >> they were speaking to someone else over the weekend that caused a lot of buzz, the notion maybe there was a second suspect but they threw water on that, right? >> reporter: there was many reports that there was a second suspect or second person of interest. aurora police came out, yes they interviewed an associate of james holmes but they have no reason to believe he was involved in this. once they got access to the apartment it enabled them to expand their investigation and find out who he was associating with and communicating with. they'll perform many more interviews as they move this investigation forward. >> jim spellman in colorado, thanks very much. we'll have much more on the colorado movie massacre ahead, including what to expect in court this morning. coming up at the bottom of the hour, jordan steffan will join
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us. and what causes someone like this to snap? at 6:50 we'll speak to dr. helen morrison, one of the leading experts on serial killers. it is important to keep the victims as the main folk u. president obama visited aurora, colorado, the message, the country is thinking of you. he met with victims and the families yesterday and stephanie davies helped keep her friend alive after she was shot. he's there as a father and husband, not as a president. >> i had a chance to visit with each family and most of the conversation was filled with memory. it was an opportunity for families to describe how wonderful their brother or their son or daughter was.
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and the lives that they have touched and the dreams that they held for the future. the community is now beginning to heal and zoraida, when we left you friday, we only knew the number of those killed and wounded. now we know the names and stories and sometimes hard to hear and sometimes it is uplifting to hear. >> thousands gathered at sunday night's vigil to pray for those still injured this morning. one of those recovering in the hospital right now is 25-year-old ashley moeser, she had taken her only 6-year-old daughter, veronica, who was killed. her mother who was slipping in and out of consciousness had no idea about her little girl's death until this saturday when her family broke the devastating news. moser's family says of course she's crushed. she was going in and out of consciousness and all she was asking about was her little girl.
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poppy harlow is live in aurora. you've been spending time with people on the ground there. how are they coping? >> they are coming together and that's exactly what we saw last night at the vigil. you know, the governor here, john hickenlooper read off the names on stage at the vigil of all of those who died and their families. many of them joined him on stage. after he read each name the crowd responded we will remember. the family members did not speak, a lot of government officials did as well as prayers from different pastors in the community. one thing that stood out when the mayor here spoke and said the pain is so saw but we ril reclaim our city in the name of goodness and kindness and compassion focusing on strength and kindness. i spoke to people last night at the vigil and one of the things i asked everyone is can you even forgive at this point? here's what they told me. >> forgiveness isn't only always
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for the person you're forgiving that committed the crime. it's also for yourself and part frt healing. >> a 6-year-old little girl was killed. my daughter is 1 years old and i have a 3-year-old daughter myself. i don't think it can be forgiven. >> part of the prayers this morning not only for victims and their families and for first responders and everybody helping, but for the shooter and his family because for me personally and for our belief system it's not our place to judge. >> reporter: i can tell you being here since friday last night that vigil was the most uplifting moment that i have seen and right behind me there's also a make shift memorial that people come to throughout the day to share stories and meet with others who are grieving. and we still have others to focus on this hour. we have 17 victims that remain hospitalized and eight in critical condition, including the 12 who lost their lives. this community will continue to
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grieve and also try to heal from this unbelievable loss. >> it's really great to see that they are coming together, really tough, poppy to look at those faces right now as they go through this process, thanks for sharing with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> it is hard to see faces, here's something that might make you smile. new video, members of the denver broncos visiting with the -- those who treated the victims. new broncos quarterback peyton manning wasn't there but did manage to put in a phone call to four of the patients. >> that is very nice, it's the little things sometimes that make all of the difference in the world. if you want to help out, i know a lot do. you can go to you'll find several non-profits supporting the victims and families of the aurora shooting. >> there is a lot of other news out there.
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it is seven minutes past the hour. in a day after the statue of legendary coach joe paterno came down, the hammer is set to fall on penn state. coming up, the punishment expected in the wake of jerry sandusky child sex abuse scandal. [ barking ] i'm your dog, holding down the fort while you're out catching a movie. [ growls ] lucky for me, your friends showed up with this awesome bone. hey! you guys are great. and if you got your home insurance where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? the lines, the cost, the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors
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get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. welcome back. >> just a few hours from now, the ncaa will announce penalties for penn state. a source tells cnn penn state is
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expected to be hit with more than $30 million in fines but the school's football program will not -- not, face suspension. a campus statue of late football coach joe paterno was taken down. the school's president called the statue a recurring wound to victims of child abuse. the paterno family released a statement saying tearing down the statue of joe paterno does not serve the victims of jerry sandusky's horrible crimes or help the penn state community. we believe the only way to hope is to uncover the full truth. a lot going on there right now. susan candiotti is live in state college. susan, these are big penalties. what kind of impact could the sanctions have on penn state's football program? >> reporter: well, it's going to have a terrible impact. of course as you said, it is expected that they will be able to play football, there won't be a suspension of the program but the penalties are so tough that
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they might hoped for a death penalty because they would include as you indicated, fines of $30 million, certainly a loss of postseason action, no bowl games for a certain period of time. and a loss of so far unspecified number of scholarships which could hurt in recruiting players for years to come. >> making it easier for players to transfer immediately also. one of things weech been tossing around, it is unprecedented. the reason is because this is for stuff that went on not having to do directly with the football program, not recruiting violations or money being paid. this feels different than anything we've seen in football, doesn't it. >> reporter: yeah, it hasn't happened this way before. according to a source, part has to do with a message the ncaa is trying to send. they had a road map and they are
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trying to make a point here. point being that the culture at universities not just penn state but at universities around the country, is that the sports program cannot trump everything else. it cannot be the most important thing on campus. >> we all saw the pictures of the disappearing in the dark of night. what about the timing of that, susan? >> well, you know, it happened very early yesterday morning, sunday morning. still there were a lot of people looking around for that to happen because it was anticipated certainly, but they did it a good month before the students were expected -- are expected back for the fall semester and clearly they had security concerns and that's why they did it when they did it. they also might have been trying to send a signal to the ncaa that they are planning reforms but perhaps it's too little too late. >> it is good, i suppose it's happening a full month before the students arrive and begin their new year and hopefully a new chapter for penn state.
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>> i wonder what the response is going to be from the students. i wonder how it will be now? >> maybe it's changed after the freeh report. they should take a good look at it. >> here's christine romans with the stop story. the man accused of one of the worst massacres will make his first appearance. james holmes, accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others is being held in isolation right now. police say he is not cooperating but they continue to uncover some twisted new clues. border patrol agents will assist in the investigation of a deadly accidents 100 miles southeast of san antonio. 11 killed, 12 injured when police say one pickup truck veered off highway 59 and slammed into two large trees last night. all 23 victims were loaded inside both the truck's cab and
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bed. jury selection is set to begin in the murder trial of former illinois police sergeant drew peterson. peterson is facing murder charges for the 2004 bathtub drowning of his third wife. he is also a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife but hasn't been charged in her death. rescue at sea, the pilot of an f-16 fighter jet that crashed off the coast of japan yesterday safely ejected and rescued by a japanese ship. the japanese coast guard says the unidentified pilot is in stable condition. the cause of the crash is still not known. fire crews getting the upper hand on a stubborn brush fire that burned some 75 acres in northern california near vak kaville. at one point pt fire grew to eight alarms prompting evacuations but no properties have been destroyed and no injuries are reported.
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heartbreak at the british open. ernie els capturing his championship and everybody talking about how scott lost it. scott, 32-year-old australian never won a major methodically melted down, with four holes left to play. >> total implosion. >> for els it was his fourth major championship of the congratulations to him but, wow. >> i stepped out and thought adam scott is going to win. how could he possibly have blown it. >> never leave the tv. >> lesson to everyone, never leave the tv sets. >> especially when we're on. do you have an ipad? >> no. >> you don't? you need to get one. they are very, very cool. this is as close as you can get to diving into your ipad. an app developer bringing a whole new interactive experience
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we are minding your business this morning. u.s. stock futures trading lower and it's likely to be a volume tire week in the markets. >> it's because of europe, europe's debt problems a big concern this week. christine, you live this stuff and it seems as if europe is weighing you down. >> europe is getting me down. it is. here's why, we're looking at spain and greece and we're concerned about both places. is greece going to get its fiscal house in order to get more money from the europeans to
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pay its bill and in spain, we saw spanish growth actually negative. that economy is contracting and couple of regions in spain saying they are having trouble paying bills as well. 14th largest economy in the world when you look at borrowing costs for spain, they are 7.55%. this is something people like me really really watch. when it costs governments much more money to borrow money, it shows what kind of stress they are under. >> look at the comparison. >> you can't operate at 7.5%, can you? >> it's a flashing yellow help us, help us. the interesting thing, 1.44 in the u.s., all of the world's problems means investors are rushing to the safety of u.s. bonds bringing our rates lower. it's never been cheaper in the u.s. if you can get somebody to lend you the money. the currency for the euro is 1.21 so the european currency is
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falling. this is the lowest it's been, fallen below the average of the whole time the euro -- a region has been a currency. the one thing to know today, congress has 162 days left until the fiscal licliff. a little reminder, that something very bad is going to happen to us that we're going to do to ourselves and congress has 162 days to figure it out. >> we knew you would get there. even worse news is this. >> preventible bad news make me crazy. file fiscal cliff under preventible bad news. >> inside the aurora shooting suspect's apartment. what they found. you can watch us any time on your mobile phone or desktop, go to
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so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, i'm barack obama and i approve this message. for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty,
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above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood...
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inside the suspect's apartment, a batman poster and something investigators called improvised napalm. >> as james holmes heads to court we get insight from one of the leading experts on serial killers. and violence on the streets of anaheim, protests break out. >> crazy pictures. >> this after apparently a police shooting there. nuts there in anaheim. welcome back, glad you're here, i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we're hours away from getting our first look at the suspect in the aurora shooting as people
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wonder why 12 people lost their lives at the midnight movie screening on friday. president obama visited with families who lost loved ones yesterday and met with survivors who told him stories of heroes who save lives. he addressed the community. >> god bless all who helped to respond to this tragedy and i hope that over the next several days, next several weeks and months we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country but also reflect on all of the wonderful people who make this the greatest country on earth. >> everyone wants answers. the accused shooter will appear before a judge this morning. jordan steffan joins us now live. thanks for being with us this morning. let's start with the preliminary hearing. what are you hearing we can expect to learn today?
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>> we haven't actually talked to any attorneys connected to the case but experts have told us the defense is expected to seek a competency exam for mr. holmes and whether or not he's deemed competent to stand trial could in fact determine if the defense will enter a not guilty plea by reason of insanity. >> does he have a public attorney or private attorney? do you know? >> i think that they are private, yes. >> let's talk a little bit about the police investigation. are there any new details that you're hearing? >> we're not -- i'm hearing what they took out of the apartment, they've removed his computer and doing their best to get information out of that. they are continuing to speak with neighbors who have said he was very inelectroverted and quiet. seldom heard anything from his apartment, tvs, stereos, along those lines. he received some 40 packages in the months before the shooting,
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which is how authorities think he was able to obtain that much ammunition and the materials and chemicals used to create the devices in his apartment. >> have they talked to anybody -- a lot of people are trying to figure out what was going on in his head. there are folks who said that as you said he was inelectroverted but there are reports he was a regular guy with girlfriends, kind of normal. have you heard anything along those lines? >> we have heard that he was normal. there were a couple of people who saw one man, one girl moving in and out of the apartment. definitely nothing that would give anybody any kind of indication he was planning something like this. friends in california have told reporters that he studied easily maintained a high gpa, made as in his courses. i think that he did seem -- while intro verted, very normal to a lot of people. >> you have been on top of the story. we appreciate your time, jordan
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steffen, thank you. >> the denver paper doing so well on the story right in their backyard. thousands gathered outside the theater in aurora to remember the victims of the shooting. >> john blunk. >> we'll remember. >> a.j. boik. >> we will remember. >> jessie childress. >> we will remember. >> that's hickenlooper remembering the names of the 12 people killed. >> it means a lot, all of the people who turned out showing love to everybody and see how much it hurt us and how much it's bringing us together as a community. >> like the dark knight, we will rise again. >> the mayor of aurora and many people who attended said they are determined that the massacre will not define their city when history looks back on the events
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of this past week. >> the horror inside aurora's cinema 16 theater could have been been followed by another deadly tragedy. james holmes telling police at the crime scene that he had book by trapped his apartment, finding trip wires, dozens of repurposed fireworks shells and jars of gasoline and something one official referred to as improvised napalm, says the scene of the suspect's home could have turned out a lot worse. >> it could have been much worse. had they not been able to get inside the apartment and identify those chemicals and other components that they found in there. you think about that you have lay people such as neighbors and other people that might have gone into the apartment and done something that quite frankly would have killed other people. it would have gone on had the police officers not acted so quickly. >> one neighbor did stop by holmes apartment because of loud music that was playing.
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she says she thought about opening the door and peeking in but decided against it. that is one lucky woman. what causes someone like this to snap? at 6:50 eastern, we'll speak to dr. helen morrison, a forensic psychiatrists and one of the leading experts on serial killers. >> let's get a quick check of your travel forecast. here's rob marciano, hot, hot and more hot? >> that's right and couple of cooling thunderstorms for some folks, including the northeast. thcore of the heat is across the central part of the u.s. where the drought continues. temperatures will be over 100 degrees. we have thunderstorms across the cat skills and hudson river, these are not severe but enough to slow down your commute for sure. more rain across southern florida, stubborn, somewhat tropical low throwing in moisture here especially across homestead and through fort lauderdale er dale. more record temperatures across
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kansas and iowa, maybe cooling down a little bit on friday. but no significant rain expected in this area at least today. where you will see thunderstorms, across the lower great lakes, including chicago and we've seen thunderstorms across upstate new york and may recharge the atmosphere enough to create damaging winds and large hail. be light on your feet through the afternoon. there's your heat, slightly cooler in new york city, and 79 degrees in l.a., no worries there. >> be light on your feet. thank you. >> it helps. >> thanks, rob. coming up, the race for the white house, one candidate is really burning through cash these days. who is it and what can that mean for the race? that's coming up.
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and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. get headed in a new direction. with humira, remission is possible. it is 39 minutes past the hour. welcome back. >> we're talking politics right now and president obama and mitt romney are now back on the campaign trail, both in san francisco, in fact. this after suspending both of their campaigns in the wake of the mass shooting in colorado. both campaigns say they are keeping their ads off the air waves in colorado for now. obviously the mourning and healing happening there takes
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precedents over politics. but there is a lot shifting politically as we speak. i'm joined by peter hamby in washington. i think it's safe to say any talk of mitt romney announcing a vp before he leaves for the olympics is completely off the table but everyone seems to be talking about money and how fast the obama campaign is burning through it. >> that's right, john. this is one of the biggest political stories of the last week, overshadowed by the shootings but on friday night both kpanz and affiliated committees filed with the federal election commission their fund raising numbers for june, the romney campaign and republican national committee outraised the obama campaign. romney and his folks raised $106 million to the obama campaign's $77 million. the money machine is being tested here and the bigger issue maybe the cash on hand. the romney campaign plus the
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republican national committee and shared joint victory fund have $170 million in the bank to spend right now. the obama campaign and his dnc fund have $144 million in the bank. those numbers are there for a couple of reasons, one the romney campaign still has to spend primary money and can't spend money raised for the general election until after the conventions. take a look at this. this is the amount of money spent on television ads. the obama campaign in june spent $38 million on tv ads, the romney campaign spent just $11 million. this is not news to you if you live in a swing state, if you live in colorado or iowa or nevada or virginia, you've seen these television ads of mitt romney singing "god bless america." this is part of the attempt to define mitt romney early and really saw that spending disparty in june. we'll see if that changes after the convention. it probably will. >> a decision to spend now may
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be at the expense of spending later and that is of concern to send democratic operatives. mitt romney, this week, wednesday, heads off on the overseas trip. this is sort of a right of passage now. england, israel, poland. why these three stops, peter? >> this is a rite of passage, this is romney's attempt to project the air of statesman, we'll see him meeting with u.k. prime minister david cameron and meet in poland. the olympics are starting so romney will have a chance to tell his story of the salt lake city olympics. he'll be in jerusalem and will meet with netanyahu, he was asked about this on fox news sunday, this is said how he will greet mitt romney when he arrives. >> i think that you're far too wise a adjournist to think i'm
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going to get into into your field of american politics but i will say that i will receive mitt romney with the same openness that i received another presidential candidate, then senator barack obama, when he came. >> john, let's not pretend netanyahu is not paying close attention to politics right now despite him saying that. they are old friends, worked at the boston consulting group back in the day in the late 70s, they've known each other to a long time, as opposed to netanyahu and obama. >> probably hanging out a fenway catching a sox game in the late 70s. >> that's my favorite line. 43 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date on the
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top stories. the man accused of one of the worst shooting massacres will make his first court appearance in a few hours now. james holmes, akuccused of killg 12 people and wounding 58 people is being held in is lags. police have uncovered a pc from his apartment but after they disarmed several trip wires and booby traps inside his home. one day after joe paterno's statue was hauled away in shame, a source tells cnn the school may face fines as high as $30 million and lose scholarships for turning a blind eye to jerry sandusky's abuse of young boys. they are not expected to deal the death sentence to the famed football program. striking back against rebel troops in syria, fighting reportedly intense overnight in the struggle for damascus. the government offensive in one
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neighborhood involving more than 1,000 troops, backed by armored vehicles and tanks and bulldozers. opposition forces claim president assad soldiers executed 20 people suspected of helping the rebel fighters. it was a violent weekend on the streets of colorado aftalif police shot and killed in anaheim. neighbors throwing rocks and bottles at officers and cops responding by firing bean bags and pepper balls. protests flared again with demonstrators setting a dumpster on fire. the two officers involved in the shooting have been placed on leave. katherine jackson is not missing. she is staying with a family member in arizona to destress. that's according to her son jermaine. a family member reported her missing on saturday and concern
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mounted when paris tweeted that she hadn't seen her grandmother in a week and wanted her to come home now. >> that's a weird, weird story. >> strangeness. with the aurora suspect heading to court in a few hours, the question remains why. we look at one of the country's leading experts on serial killers coming up. [ male announcer ] while many automakers are just beginning to dabble with the idea of hybrid technology... it's already ingrained in our dna. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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welcome back, i'm john berman. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. colorado officials are combing through evidence trying to figure out what caused 24-year-old james holmes to carry out the deadliest mass
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shooting in recent u.s. history. daniel oates spoke yesterday on cbs. >> we're focusing on anyone who knew him and statements he may have made. we're building a case to sh this was deliberative process by a very intelligent man who wanted to do this. >> dr. helen morrison is a forensic psychiatrists and one of the leading experts on serial killers. she is with us now from chicago. dr. morrison, thanks so much for joining us this morning. you just heard him characterized as a brilliant man. you have spent a lot of time with mass murderers, john wayne gasy, specifically here. is there a profile he fits as a mass murderer? >> generally yes, obviously i've not examined him but he does fit the profile of an individual who becomes a mass murderer, he plans and implements and the
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victims are usually individuals that he doesn't know but he's just chosen because of his anger and sense of revenge because of his rejections. now, when i talk about rejegss, when i'm talking about is somehow this individual who was supposed to be brilliant was not making it in the doctoral program in neuroscience. so he comes from being an honors student at california, he goes to colorado and he's on a special grant. and then somehow he must have learned that like many people, you choose to resign or you're let go because he wasn't performing. why he wasn't performing, we don't know. >> we don't know -- >> we don't really know why he dropped out of that prram but you speculate that that perhaps was part of the motive here? >> in the opinion that we have with research we've done with mass murderers, the primary
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motive is generally rejection. a loss of something and then rage and a lot of anger to quote get back at society in general. the same thing happened in columbine, because the individuals there felt one of them at least felt terribly rejected and was able to get a partner to help him. this individual did it on his own. he planned it, obviously he planned with a number of chemicals or items he received. and he was able to implement. >> me tick house planning. >> absolutely met tick house planning. and that speaks against the fact he was out of contact with reality -- >> let me ask you something -- i'm sorry to interrupt you, his mother arlene is a licensed registered nurse for more than 30 years, his father is also a
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professional. his mother said and i'm going to quote here, she said this too abc, you have the right person, she said apparently speaking on gut instinct, i need to call police and need to fly out to colorado. what does that say to you when your parent says that? >> well, if the parent says that then they must have had some clue but again, you have a clue but you don't have any proof. you can't put anyone away for thinking or having a gut feeling. you have to have some indication that the person is of imminent danger to himself or others. >> very quickly, lastly, we know he told police he had booby trapped that apartment. what do you think of that? >> i just make of it, it could be one of two things, one that he was feeling remorse, which i highly doubt. but the other thing could have been that he was proud of his planning and his implementation which ai lot of people have said was brilliant. >> dr. helen morrison, forensic
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psychiatrist in chicago, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. it's a little bit of insight there. >> absolutely. >> a special edition of "starting point," soledad o'brien live in colorado. >> we'll get the best advice from the top from the president of the united states coming up. sometimes, i feel like it's me against my hair.
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it is just a few minutes before the hour. "starting point" with soledad o'brien on deck. >> this best advice is since friday we've been focused on the movie theater massacre in colorado. this comes from president obama. he visited with the victims last night. listen. >> god bless all who helped to respond to this tragedy and i hope that over the next several
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days, next several weeks and next several months we all reflect on how we can do something about the senseless violence that ends up marring this country. but also reflect on all the wonderful people who make this the greatest country on earth. >> so usually we give you advice from people who come through here but we thought given the news flow of the last few days, that was more appropriate. >> i totally agree. i love focusing on what we can do, everybody collectively. the issue here is we don't have the whys as to why such a senseless tragedy happened. >> it was so great watching poppy's coverage from aurora, to see how people are getting up and trying to figure out how to make today a little better. >> and how to forgive. >> i'm not there yet. >> hug my kids three times extra, remember what's good and hold onto it.
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>> absolutely, you're right. >> a special edition of "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. massacre in aurora, alleged gunman james holmes in court for first time. four guns, 6,000 rounds of ammunition, now the search for answers and the motive. >> he was diabolical and demonic in a twisted sengs. >> this was a deliberate process by a very intelligent man who wanted to do this. >> as a community tries to heal, victims who can't forgive the horror. >> the best way is like a war zone, except in this war zone, only one side had the gun. special edition of "starting point" live from aurora colorado, begins right now. >> good morning, welcome, everybody from aurora, colorado, this morning the community is trying to heal after friday's tore isk


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